Why play therapy support of your children is not an option

If your nursery aims to provide a complete service for your parents and support for all your children, a play therapy service is essential – not just an option.

It’s estimated that 20% of all UK children suffer from some type of social, emotional, behaviour or other mental health problem.  The earlier they get help the better.  But it must be safe and effective – not by unqualified, unregistered, unsupervised persons.  Play therapy has a success record of between 77% and 84% when therapy is delivered to Play Therapy UK standards.

If you are not already using a therapist on the Register of Play and Creative Arts Therapists there’s two main ways:

You can find out a lot more about the skills required and the experiential methods of training that we use by attending a one day introduction to play therapy course (13 venues in the UK): http://www.playtherapy.org.uk/Training/TrainCrseAPACIntrod1day

Phone: Dee Rose on 01825 761143 for more details and availability.

If you would like to have a chat about providing a play therapy service and the options in more detail please email Monika at: mokijep@majemail.com