A time for change

In this ever changing world is it possible to meet the growing needs of year 6 pupils in the limited time available in the timetable?

“Adolescence is a critical period in human development – we must provide our young people with all the support they need to ensure a smooth transition to adulthood.” Dr Stephanie Burnett Heyes University of Birmingham

There is no doubt in the teaching and research communities that the vast amount of physical, emotional and life changes that a year 6 pupil goes through in the build up to leaving primary school and starting secondary school has an enormous effect on their future lives and learning.  Supporting pupils through the transition is essential; however it can be difficult to bring sensitive issues and topics to life in the classroom.

A few of the PSHE association guidelines for KS2 suggest covering the following topics:

Examining what affects physical, mental and emotional health.

Exploring and critiquing how the media present information and how the media impacts our judgements and self esteem.

To be aware of the different types of relationships and recognise those which can be unhealthy.

Understanding the differences and similarities between people and considering the factors that influence these.

How their bodies may change.

To listen and respond respectfully to a wide range of people.

We believe it is possible to cover these areas and more by utilising a creative format.

“In 80% of primary schools, outside speakers made a valuable contribution to the PSHE education programme.” OFSTED Report on Personal Social and Health Education.

The team at Tip of the Iceberg Theatre Company have been delivering theatre in education projects for 20 years. The ethos has always been to respect every young person as an individual and to empower them to learn about themselves and then relate that to the world they live in, therefore developing a foundation for a healthy mental attitude for life. Each show and the follow up workshops are developed alongside schools, teachers, pupils and experts on the topics to ensure that the experience is informing, involving and inspiring to those that take part.

“Changing Britain” is designed to explore all aspects of life changes that year 6 pupils have highlighted as key issues and that they requested support with. Our infamous vlogger “Big Sister” presents tonight’s episode which follows the life of a range of year 7 pupils as she delves beyond the surface asking “How do changes really affect us and what can we do about them?”.

Download a flyer with further information here:


Tip of the Iceberg weave topics into the lives, experiences and personalities of the characters so they don’t appear too didactic for the audience, however, there are many areas that can then be drawn on further in our workshops and discussions.

At the heart of great PSHE and pupil support is looking at self-esteem and strategies to develop positive mental health and wellbeing. Our follow up workshops help pupils to relate the topics to their own lives and experiences in a fun, nurturing environment.

The play lasts 30 minutes and the workshops are adapted in length to suit the number of pupils and the school timetable.  We offer half and full day packages, however our delivery is bespoke to your needs and requirements.

For more detailed information and how we can work in partnership with you please don’t hesitate to contact us.

E: tourbooker@tipoftheiceberg.biz or admin@tipoftheiceberg.biz

Tel: 01707 527140 or 07519 593711