Can you find the time?

Dear Colleague,

In a school not too far away from you a PE Department has come together to organise the planning and delivery of the new curriculum. The head of department is eager to get going around the white board…

Head of Department

“Right let’s get organised and ready! Ideas go!”

Teacher 1
“So we need lesson plans that are specific and involve cross-curricular elements.”

Teacher 2
“Also we need to make sure this is tied into the theoretical elements of the GCSE PE Spec now that its 60% weighted in favour of the exam.”

Teacher 3
“This needs doing for each year group, each term and each topic so… Football, Hockey, Trampolining, Rugby, Athletics… ” (This could go on for a while)

 Teacher 4
“Also we need to have our yr10 and 11 students work through exam style questions again relating to the GCSE PE Spec.”

Head of Department
“Right, and this needs to be in one consistent format, with differentiated tasks and drills that we can periodically assess”

After an hour (or so) the white board was filled with great ideas and the future looked bright… until…

Teacher 5
“How much time do you have in your day to accomplish this?”

Does this sound familiar?
At the PE Office we have dedicated our time to the creation of comprehensive lesson plans, schemes of work, task sheets, learning resources and a robust assessment platform. These have been designed to support any PE Department with the current curriculum and assessment requirements.

To find out more on what PE Office can offer you and your department please contact us on 01909 776900 or emails us at

Many thanks.

Sam Warnes