What do your students worry about, above everything else?

What is the single most effective way of ensuring that your students are getting the most out of their assemblies, PSHE and Sex Education?

Sometimes it is difficult to know exactly what your students are thinking, experiencing and worrying about, making it just as difficult to know which topics to pay more time and attention to in assemblies, PSHE and Sex Education.

Which is precisely why ReSURV has developed youcansay surveys.

youcansay surveys, which are taken anonymously by your students, enable you to gather valuable information which will ensure that your students are getting the most out of their lessons involving health and well-being.

From the surveys you can find out, for example, how many of your students have drunk alcohol, taken drugs, experienced domestic violence, taken part in cyberbullying, or how many of your students eat breakfast every day before school.

What’s more, youcansay is flexible; surveys can be used off-the-shelf or tailored using our extensive library of topics and questions. And if there is a particular, perhaps less generic, area of concern, custom questions can be readily added to the survey.

Once the survey results are in, you will be able to see what the main issues are for your students and be able to design relevant PHSE lessons, sex education classes or assemblies to influence health and well-being in line with their needs. Please click here to find more information about youcansay surveys.

Alternatively, if you would like to talk about youcansay surveys, including their benefits and how they work, please do call us on 0118 978 1078 or contact us by email at service@youcansay.co.uk.

Adam Dotchin