Which two factors lead to improved attainment in literacy?

The first and perhaps the most important step in inmproving your pupils’ performance in literacy is to build their confidence and self-esteem up to a point where they are comfortable with making mistakes (so that they can learn from them).

The second step is to create a whole-school programme so that everyone knows what has gone before and what comes next, making it easier to respond to the English Programmes of Study.

Furthermore, a whole-school approach offers unified tracking of your pupils’ progress.

With this in mind, Brilliant Publications has produced Daily Sentence Structures – a practical guide which provides a straightforward way of teaching pupils to use a range of sentence structures in their own writing, whatever their age and ability.

The sentence structures in the resources vary from short, dramatic sentences to complex, compound sentences. Each has been broken down into a series of 15-minute sessions that build on each other. By completing the daily sessions, pupils will have at their fingertips a system for creating imaginative and interesting writing in as little as six weeks.

Daily Sentence Structures covers many of the writing requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum, including: using grammatical structures, making meaning clear and creating effect, using a range of sentence starters to create specific effects, using commas to mark phrases and clauses, sustaining and developing ideas logically, varying sentence structures and using semi-colons and dashes.

Pupils’ confidence and self-esteem will increase, leading to better results across all subjects, and the systematic approach appeals especially to boys who will enjoy applying logic to their writing and being able to create ‘instant paragraphs’.

The price of the book is £17.99. You can find more information about Daily Sentence Structures by visiting www.brilliantpublications.co.uk/book/daily-sentence-structures-667.

And, as always, you can order Daily Sentence Structures in a variety of ways, such as:

  • by visiting the website
  • by phone on 01449 766629
  • by fax on 01449 768047
  • by email to orders@tradecounter.co.uk
  • or by post to Brilliant Publications, Mendlesham Industrial Estate, Norwich Road, Mendlesham, Suffolk, IP14 5ND.