Exceptional Resources for Careers Advisors

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First and Best in Education

What Employers Want and Expect – looks at the attitude of employers to young employees and the new demands that employers are placing on staff.

101 Ways to be Successful at Job and College Interviews – enables your students to prepare thoroughly for first job or college interviews and will help them to manage any nerves.

A Student’s Guide to Auditioning for Drama School – help your students work towards achieving that desired place at Drama School.

Making the Next Transition – a guide to post 16 options – a copiable volume (available both on CD and in printed format) that can be used by both students and parents to help them make the right decisions for now, and understand the long term implications of those decisions.

The Work Experience Manual – includes information on finding placements, liaising with the company, student notes which allow those going on placements to be properly prepared, a record book showing the placement’s activities, and a wide range of actions and activities that should be considered after the work experience is over.

Email: sales@firstandbest.co.uk
01536 399007
Postal address:
Hamilton House Mailings Ltd, Earlstrees Ct, Earlstrees Rd, Corby, Northants, NN17 4HH



Search Taster Day Events – helps careers advisors to discover an array of events to book students on to, such as university and college taster days, workshops, residentials, open days, outreach events and widening participation opportunities.

Email: info@unitasterdays.com
+44(0)208 798 0982


ZigZag Education

Careers Teaching Resources – publishers of photocopiable and digital teaching resources for schools.

Email: sales@ZigZagEducation.com
0117 950 3199
Postal address:
ZigZag Education, Unit 3, Greenway Business Centre, Doncaster Road, Bristol, BS10 5PY


You can find more Exceptional Teaching resources at exceptionalteaching.org.uk.