Free Interactive Music Theory

Claim Your Free 3 Month Trial Now

Only a few weeks left to claim a free login for of our interactive theory website. It’s a no obligation trial that automatically ends after 3 months.

Please email your name and school to and we’ll do the rest.  It’s as simple as that!

What is The Mighty Maestro?
The Mighty Maestro uses a variety of enjoyable lessons, games and races to guide students through the basics of music theory, without the jumps in logic that see many learners fall by the wayside. Having fun as a class, you may use the program to build up an understanding together. Working individually, students are guided step-by-step through the concepts (and you can even monitor their progress using our Group Admin pages). With your free trial login, you may test all the activities yourself and let students try a few themselves.

Simply send your name and school to today and we’ll return your free login details.

Many thanks
Dan Collingbourne
The Mighty Maestro


ORB Education
FAX: (0161) 667 0540
POST:Suite 7485, PO Box 4336, Manchester M61 0BW