Still, the question remains, what are British values?

A few months ago the Educational Management News team raised what seems to be a very valuable point regarding the issue of British Values, questioning whether Ofsted could have got it wrong entirely.

Click here to read the article – Could it be that Ofsted got it wrong?

And we were informed that numerous teachers, administrators and school management replied to the article expressing similar concerns over Ofsted’s guidelines.

Since concerns over the issue of British values was so widely shared, we made it our mission to find a way to make the task of promoting British values (and proving this to Ofsted) less of a concern.

As a result we produced a comprehensive set of posters that promotes one value at a time – which we thought was less overwhelming than trying to look at all the values at once.

Also, we thought that by promoting British values through posters, it should make proving to Ofsted that the school promotes such values a fairly straightforward task. The posters can be found at See what you think.