The story is as old as civilisation, which suggests that as a learning tool stories can be very helpful as a way of teaching science.

The story as a means of passing on facts goes back to the earliest days of human society, and for most of mankind’s existence the story has been the key way each generation has of understanding the world.

Indeed before the introduction of the scientific method, there was only the story as an explanation of the world that medieval societies witnessed.

But as experimentation took hold, the story was pushed aside, which, in one sense, is something of a shame because for children it is the love of the story that enhances their learning.

For while some children can have difficulty recalling individual scientific facts, when any of these turn up in a story there is every chance that the facts will slip seamlessly into our long term memories.

With a story, the facts learned through experimentation become even more meaningful, and take on a new importance.

Which is why we travel from school to school telling stories about science.  Stories relating to the solar system, evolution, earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis.

These are the stories children remember.  Stories that can stay with them for years to come.  Stories so powerful that they will still be remembered and re-told when the children we teach come to tell stories to their own children.

If you would like to see some evidence of the power of the story in terms of children’s learning, read about the research into why stories work as teaching aids, or indeed if you would like to know more about our work in schools, please click here.

You’ll be able to see just why hundreds of schools across the country invite us in to tell stories to different classes.

Alternatively, you can call us on 020 328 SNAIL (020 328 76245), or email