Cover Teacher who thinks cleaning agents are employed by the CIA?

According to figures from the Dept for Education, the average secondary school teacher has about four working days off a year due to illness. Of course this incorporates teachers who have a long time out with a serious illness as well as the 44% of teachers who are fortunate enough to go a whole year not getting ill at all.

These numbers show why the need for ready-made materials for supply teachers who cover Food Technology classes is as vital as ever. For even when something has been left from the previous lesson, there are always going to be those who finish the work rapidly, and need something else to do.

Which is why the Absent Food Technology Teacher volume of worksheets was developed.

The worksheets within the volume cover a wide range of topics and range of ability – and are all designed so that they can be used as a one-off in an emergency, or as a series of highly varied tasks over a number of days, should the absence be unexpectedly protracted.

Activities range from a discussion on how to prevent the spread of bacteria in the kitchen, to comprehension questions on the methods of food preservation.

Each topic area is followed by a wide range of questions, an extension task through which (for example) the students are required to write a three course menu using only healthy, natural ingredients, and a homework task in which the students have to create an information poster explaining how pasteurisation preserves milk.

The volume covers such topics as diet, vitamins and minerals, safety in the kitchen, food availability, human nutrition, food and religion, food preservation etc. etc.

Each lesson in the volume is printed on a single page and is simple to photocopy instantly for any class that suddenly requires the lesson.

The Absent Food Technology Teacher Worksheets collection is available from Hamilton House priced £30 plus £2.95 delivery.

You can order the Absent Food Technology Teacher worksheets collection by filling in the order form and sending it by fax, email, or post (see contact details below). Alternatively, if you have a school order number, you can order by phone.

First and Best in Education, Earlstrees Court, Earlstrees Road, Corby, Northants, NN17 4HH
Telephone: 01536 399 011 Fax: 01536 399 01 Email: