Maths Information and Services

Of Dice and Men / Donald in Mathmagic LandDVD resources that every Maths class should have!
Viewtech Educational Media, 7-8 Falcons Gate, Dean Road, Yate, Bristol, BS37 5NH

Tel: 01454 858055 / 313272
Fax: 01454 858056

2 classic Maths education films that engage pupils’ attention, using humorous animation to present mathematical principles and then relate them to real world situations. Of Dice and Men introduces the theory of probability – we learn of its inception in the 17th century, its relationship to predictability and its application to everyday situations – like the chances of being involved in an accident! Also available, Disney’s educational classic: Donald In Mathmagic Land

Quote promotional discount code: HHM225 for a 25% discount online or when ordering by email, fax, post or telephone.


Raising Grades through Study Skills

First and Best in Education
Hamilton House, Earlstrees Ct., Earlstrees Road, Corby, NN17 4HH

Phone: 01536 399 011
Fax: 01536 399 012

How well a student does in an exam is generally down to two factors:

  1. how much the student knows
  2. how good the student is at reproducing that knowledge in an exam or via coursework

Raising Grades through Study Skills by Tony Attwood includes all the skills that pupils will need to improve their study skills and raise grades throughout secondary school.

It is available as a photocopiable book or on CD Rom which can itself be copied or loaded onto the school’s learning platform or intranet.

Cat No: 978 1 86083 845 3; Order code: T1787SHR – please quote with order.

Sample pages:

Price for book or CD: £24.95 plus £3.95 delivery ( incl VAT)
Price for book and CD: £31.94 plus £3.95 delivery ( incl VAT)

On line orders with a credit card: