AS Geography Student Workbook: Unit 1 World at Risk

This workbook aims to provide students with a revision aid for the ‘World at Risk’ element of Unit 1: Global Challenges paper for Edexcel A-level.

The first part of the workbook provides students with focused questions closely linked to the specification content to test their knowledge.

Section 2 allows students to practise the application of this knowledge against past exam questions.

The final section allows students to compare their answers not only against the mark scheme but also against an exam answer.

The volume is only available as a download – not as a printed book.

There are sample pages at

AS Geography Student Workbook: Unit 1 World at Risk is published as a download so that you can receive immediately a copy onto your computer which you can print out for colleagues as often as you want. You can also put it on your school learning platform so all staff can access the document – and indeed you can make it part of the induction documentation for new members of staff.

You can obtain AS Geography Student Workbook: Unit 1 World at Risk by going to

The price is £10 plus VAT (the VAT can be reclaimed in most cases by the school).

AS Geography Student Workbook: Unit 1 World at Risk is published by First and Best in Education, part of the Hamilton House group. If you have any enquiries you can call 01536 399 011, or email or write to us at First and Best, Hamilton House, Earlstrees Ct., Earlstrees Rd., Corby, Northants NN17 4HH.

For other Geography revision guides that can be bought as download from First and Best please go to
First and Best in Education
Earlstrees Road
NN17 4HH
