A House Somewhere: Complete Activity and Examination Pack

(Summer 2012 Edition)

“An invaluable and rare resource that everyone teaching the text should have.”
N Worgan, English Teacher, Independent Reviewer

Varied and engaging student activities, with a special focus on analysing the selection linguistically. Key linguistic concepts are introduced through concise notes. Linked activities provide the opportunity for students to apply them.

“The activities for students are excellent – varied, enhancing their experience & expertise, and written in an authoritative style. Addresses the demands of ELLA3 in a straightforward & very accessible way.”
M Hodson, Private English Tutor, Independent Reviewer

Supports every text of the selection, including 26 original ELLA3 examination-style questions and 5 real student answers with commentaries.
Introduces the examination requirements in student-friendly language
Builds up examination skills throughout, including planning grids for optimal preparation
As with all ZigZag resources, you can be confident of the highest standards. All resources go through a rigorous process of teacher reviews, proofreading and professional styling before reaching you. ZigZag resources can be purchased as ‘copy masters’ or in digital format and come with a site licence, allowing you to pay once and copy as often as you need, or put on your server for multiple use.

For a preview of the entire resource and to order, see: zigzag.at/House


The ‘A House Somewhere: Complete Activity and Examination Pack’ is available as Photocopy masters, PDF files and editable Word files.

You can order (reference UM94 when placing your order for FREE postage)

By phone: 0117 950 3199
By post: ZigZag Education, Unit 3, Greenway Business Centre, Doncaster Road, Bristol
BS10 5PY
By fax: 0117 959 1695
By email: english-um94@zigzageducation.co.uk
Via the website: zigzag.at/um94
Details of all English resources are given at zigzag.at/um94